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Ever since he went public in 2012, William Hague’s diplomatic ascent has been dizzyingly rapid. In 2010, he was elected leader of the British Conservative Party. In 2012, the 52-year-old father of two became Foreign Secretary, the UK’s top diplomat. Now, sources tell The Huffington Post that former Prime Minister David Cameron is offering Hague the plum post of Mayor of London when Boris Johnson steps down next year. Cameron would love to parachute the Oxford-educated Hague into City Hall, believing he would be an asset to the party in the run-up to the 2015 general election. It would also neatly neutralize one of the few potential rivals to the Tory leader. The move would solve a problem for Hague too. As Foreign Secretary, he spends half of his time in Brussels, where he often presents the UK’s case against the EU. He is said to loathe the job, and privately confided in colleagues that he wants to return to frontline politics. Known for his luxurious tastes and his love of hunting and shooting, Hague is not the stereotypical Conservative politician. He is close to the right of the party, but he’s not on the hard right. His social views are particularly liberal: he voted in favour of same-sex marriage, a policy that was backed by only a third of his fellow Tory MPs. Ultimately, his fate will depend on what David Cameron wants. The Prime Minister has been trying to persuade Boris Johnson to stay on as Mayor, even though Johnson has repeatedly insisted he’s on his way out. If Johnson sticks to his guns, the race will be on between Hague and other potential contenders such as Zac Goldsmith and George Osborne. For now, Hague is keeping his options open. He is said to be keen on being Mayor, but he has also been looking at other jobs, including the top role at the United Nations. He will make his decision once he knows Cameron’s intentions. Should he become Mayor, Hague will need to pay close attention to community relations in London. In recent years, there has been a string of high-profile police killings of black people in London, which have damaged trust in the police. Hague will also need to deal with the issue of air pollution and transport. London is one of the most polluted cities in Europe, and Hague will need to take action to reduce emissions and improve air quality. If elected, one of the first challenges he will face is the issue of Heathrow Airport. The airport is operating at full capacity, and there is a debate about whether a third runway should be built. Hague will need to decide whether to support the expansion of Heathrow or to look at alternative options such as building a new airport in the Thames Estuary. Hague is expected to make an announcement about his political future in the coming weeks. Should he decide to run for Mayor, he will be the frontrunner for the Tory nomination. It would be a fascinating contest, however, and he could face a strong challenge from Goldsmith, who is popular with grassroots members of the party. If Hague becomes Mayor, he will be one of the most powerful politicians in Britain. He will also be one of the most influential Conservatives. He is a popular figure, and his appointment would be a boost for the party. However, he will face a number of challenges, including the need to improve community relations, reduce air pollution, and make a decision about the future of Heathrow Airport. Should he decide to accept the UN role, he will be a key figure in shaping the global response to the world’s most pressing problems. He would also be able to use his considerable diplomatic skills to help resolve some of the world’s most intractable conflicts. Ultimately, the decision about his future is Hague’s. He is said to want to play a key role on the world stage, and both jobs would give him that opportunity. .

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