Pregnant Woman Goes Viral After Claiming Her Baby Bump Was ‘Stolen’ by Teen Who Faked Pregnancy

A pregnant woman has gone viral after she claimed that a teenager faked a pregnancy and stole her baby bump. The woman, who is identified as Charlise, claims that she was walking home from the store when she was approached by a group of teenagers. The teenagers asked Charlise if she was pregnant, and she replied that she was. One of the teenagers then asked to feel Charlise’s belly, and Charlise obliged. After the teenager finished feeling Charlise’s belly, she ran away with the group of teenagers. Charlise was shocked and confused, and she immediately called the police. The police are currently investigating the incident, and no arrests have been made. Charlise is now warning other pregnant women to be aware of their surroundings and to be careful when talking to strangers. She is also hoping that the teenager who stole her baby bump will be caught and brought to justice..

In a Facebook post, Charlise described the incident in detail. She said that she was walking home from the store when she was approached by a group of teenagers. The teenagers asked Charlise if she was pregnant, and she replied that she was. One of the teenagers then asked to feel Charlise’s belly, and Charlise obliged. After the teenager finished feeling Charlise’s belly, she ran away with the group of teenagers. Charlise was shocked and confused, and she immediately called the police..

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