How to paint your big pregnant belly

A question we’ve received from readers more than once is this: What type of paint is safe for painting my pregnant belly?

Well, this confirms there are tons of women out there as weird as I am.

However, I’m not a dermatologist or even a paintologist, so I am usually hesitant to make a guess, even to share what seems like common sense, because what if I’m wrong and you get a rash and your baby comes out with rainbow stripes? I don’t want that level of responsibility.

When I saw this Pregnancy Belly Painting Kit — I think it was used at a Mom 2.0 event, I thought I should share it. Someone has done the research to figure out a formula that will paint on skin and not hurt anyone.

It’s about twenty bucks and has 8 colors in it, plus some helpful instructions inside.

This video shows more of the belly painting that happened before I took the picture at the top of this post. I’m in the video, too! (I have no relationship with the company – just got a chance to see the bellies!)

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