Clean Product Swaps for a Healthier Home

## Clean Product Swaps for a Healthier Home

As a new mom, you’re probably thinking a lot about the products you’re using in your home. You want to create a safe and healthy environment for your little one, but you may not know where to start..

One of the best ways to reduce your family’s exposure to harmful chemicals is to make some simple swaps to your cleaning products. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

**All-Purpose Cleaner**.

* Swap: Traditional all-purpose cleaners, which often contain harsh chemicals like ammonia, bleach, and phthalates.

* With: A natural all-purpose cleaner made with vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils.

**Bathroom Cleaner**.

* Swap: Harsh bathroom cleaners that can irritate your lungs and skin.

* With: A natural bathroom cleaner made with hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and lemon essential oil.

**Glass Cleaner**.

* Swap: Commercial glass cleaners that can leave behind a toxic residue.

* With: A natural glass cleaner made with vinegar and water.

**Dish Soap**.

* Swap: Conventional dish soaps that contain SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), a harsh surfactant that can dry out your skin.

* With: A natural dish soap made with plant-based surfactants and essential oils.

**Laundry Detergent**.

* Swap: Traditional laundry detergents that contain artificial fragrances, dyes, and brighteners.

* With: A natural laundry detergent made with plant-based ingredients and essential oils.

**Fabric Softener**.

* Swap: Fabric softeners that can leave a coating of chemicals on your clothes.

* With: A natural fabric softener made with vinegar or baking soda.

**Air Freshener**.

* Swap: Artificial air fresheners that can release harmful VOCs (volatile organic compounds).

* With: A natural air freshener made with essential oils and water.

**Other Tips for a Healthier Home**.

In addition to making these product swaps, there are a few other things you can do to reduce your family’s exposure to harmful chemicals in your home:

* **Ventilate your home.** Open windows and doors to let fresh air in and help remove pollutants..

* **Use a HEPA filter.** A HEPA filter can remove up to 99.97% of airborne particles, including dust, pollen, and pet dander..

* **Avoid smoking indoors.** Smoking indoors releases harmful chemicals into the air that can harm your family’s health..

* **Be mindful of the products you bring into your home.** When you’re shopping for new products, look for those that are made with natural ingredients and are free of harmful chemicals..

Making these simple swaps to your cleaning products and following these other tips can help you create a healthier home for your family..

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