Rookie Mom’s Pick for the Best Baby Laundry Detergent

When it comes to our babies, moms know only the best will do. Which is why I am excited to share an innovative laundry detergent that is not only safe to use for your baby’s cloth diapers, but it also helps to better protect our planet too. Get ready to be wowed by the Rookie Mom Squad’s pick for the best baby laundry detergent.

Rookie Mom’s Pick for the Best Baby Laundry Detergent

*This is a sponsored post in partnership with PG&G and Tide. All thoughts and opinions are our own. Thank you for supporting Rookie Moms.

There were many contenders for the Rookie Mom Squad’s best baby laundry detergent. As you know we love supporting sustainable practices when it comes to business and we also prioritize natural products. However, we are real moms too and as great as some things are for the planet if they don’t work, well then we can’t recommend them. Which is why we are super excited to have discovered Tide’s plant-based* liquid laundry detergent that actually fights stains just as effectively as original Tide liquid detergent. For real!

Can this detergent pass the cloth diaper test?

I’m not going to lie we were a bit skeptical when we first heard about another natural laundry detergent as we have tested quite a few out ourselves. While some do a decent job we have noticed that the real test is when you try to clean soiled cloth diapers. So, without wasting any time we put Tide purclean to the test- turns out we agree Tide purclean is just as effective as the original Tide we had been using. So, it actually is the best of both worlds. You canyou can get a gentle, plant-based clean without sacrificing performance.

I found a side by side comparison on the Tide website (see below) that showcases just how well Tide purclean performs against leading natural detergents. Pretty impressive, right?


Why care about Sustainability?

Protecting our natural resources becomes starkly important the moment they put that precious baby in your arms. You want to ensure you can do everything in your power to give your child the absolute best life you possibly can, and that includes protecting the planet so that your children can enjoy all of its beauty just as you were able to.

Unfortunately, many products we use on a daily basis have a negative impact on our planet. Which is why I think it is incredibly important to support companies who put forth effort to move towards sustainable practices such as P&G with their Tide purclean Laundry Detergent. 

Tide purclean is the first liquid laundry detergent with the cleaning power of Tide that is plant-based* and certified Bio-Based by the USDA Bio-Preferred Program. Which means it contains 65% plant-based ingredients.

Learn more about cloth diapering, Tide purclean, and its effectiveness specifically on cloth diapers here. And, when you’re done head over to to purchase Tide pureclean.

Have you tried Tide purclean yet?

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Disclosures- *65% plant-based. **This is a sponsored post in partnership with Tide, however, as always, all thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.

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