Over [30 Amazing] Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum Choices

Just like everything else in life, now that we’re finished with our kindergarten curriculum I’m finding all kinds of bright shiny things I wish we would have tried. There are new kindergarten curriculum options popping up every year. I’ve seen everything from complete online programs to individualized kindergarten homeschool curriculum math and reading and I’m excited to show you it all.

Our years of choosing a kindergarten homeschool curriculum are over and I can’t tell you how much I miss them! Forts in the living room, stuffed animals, listening to stories, and kids on my lap as they learned filled the days I’d love to rewind. Of course, I’ve completely forgotten about temper tantrums and days when one child was awake by 5 am.

I’ve decided to keep my rose-colored glasses on though while I think back to the time kindergarten curriculum planning was ahead of me and give you a ton of options for your kindergarten plans.

Over [30 Amazing] Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum Choices

Kindergarten homeschool curriculum that covers all subjects

When we first started homeschooling I was relieved to find sites with full curriculum options. I was brand new at this homeschooling thing and I just wanted someone to tell me what to do and how to do it. Finding kindergarten curriculum options for math and reading that incorporated science, history and anything else my little learners might be interested in was great. It gave me time to figure out how I wanted to teach my kids and how they learned best.

Sticking with one company for all your curriculum needs in kindergarten is also nice because you’re not dealing with a learning curve when familiarizing yourself with the teaching methods of whatever curriculum you’ve chosen. Once you’re more comfortable with homeschooling you can pick and chose what works best for you but if you’re just starting out, these one-stop shop kindergarten curriculum options are ideal.


Easy Peasy


My Father’s World

BJU Press


Build Your Library




Power Homeschool


Moving Beyond the Page



Global Village School

Oak Meadow


Kindergarten homeschool curriculum: Reading

If I could go backward in time I would definitely have chosen a self-directed, gentle reading curriculum during my kid’s younger years. My kids all learned to read in their own time and an aggressive kindergarten reading curriculum just wasn’t necessary. Our favorite moments of those early years were snuggling up on the couch together with a book we all love. If I could read them Charlotte’s Web over and over again just to watch them fall in love with the story once more I would do it in a heartbeat!

Whether you’re looking for a formal reading program or something more relaxed and focused on cultivating a love of books, I promise you’ll find what you’re looking for in the list below.

Teach Your Children to Read in 100 Easy Lessons

Hooked on Phonics

All About Reading

Shiller Language Arts

Reading Eggs (read more about Reading Eggs here!)

Reading Horizons

Five In a Row

Kindergarten homeschool curriculum: Math

I feel almost the same about choosing a kindergarten math curriculum as I do about reading. Kindergarten is such an important time to instill a love for learning in your kids. While schools are creating longer days and more rigorous standards for kindergarten, homeschooling gives you the option to take it slow and follow your child’s lead.

There are so many new options out there for math and kindergarten is a great year to figure out how your child best learns and retains math skills.

CTC Math

Singapore Math

Math U See

Righstart Math

Saxon Math Kindergarten Program

Math Mammoth

Shiller Math

Life of Fred

Math Seeds

Kindergarten homeschool curriculum: Extras

There are a million and one options for adding to your basic kindergarten curriculum. Kindergarten is a year when you can do science and history formally or just keep it loose and develop more interest in the subjects. It’s also a year where you can explore foreign languages, speech, art, handwriting, theater– whatever your little one’s heart desires. Here are a few options to get you started. More than anything though I encourage you to follow your child’s lead and help them love what they learn.

Classical Conversations

Mystery Science

Speekee Spanish

Handwriting Without Tears

Steve Spangler Science



I wish I had spent more time during our early years exploring what my kids loved. I was so worried about covering everything we needed to cover in their curriculum. Looking back, there was no reason to worry. We’ve had plenty of years to learn what they need to learn in their own time.

As you plan your kindergarten homeschool curriculum for next year, click through these options and think about what kind of homeschooling environment you want to create. Look for what fits your family rather than the volume of facts it’s going to teach your kids. Kindergarten is a great time to soak up your kiddos and enjoy the early years of being their teacher. Spend time learning together but spend that much time and more exploring the outdoors, visiting the library, and savoring those little learners still on your lap!

About the Author

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you homeschool a kindergartener?

You need to figure out your state’s requirements and then find a curriculum that meets these requirements. From there you can set goals and work on helping your little one fall in love with learning!

What is the best homeschooling program for kindergarten?

The best homeschooling program varies depending on your family! It may take some trial and error to figure out the best fit for your child.

Here are some we love:
Easy Peasy
My Father’s World
BJU Press

How many hours a day do you homeschool a kindergarten?

You will likely spend less than 2-3 hours a day homeschooling your kindergartener.

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