Photograph your living room

Funny story: The phone rang today during one of Holden’s crying fits. Alec looked at the caller id and it was mystery area code 113 (does that even exist in the US?!). We both thought the same thing instantly: telemarketers! So, he picked up the phone and directed Holden’s wailing into the unsuspecting caller’s ear. Ha ha.

The joke was on us because it was my friend Rachel, now 30 weeks pregnant, calling from the UK. Oops. Sorry, you don’t have kids (yet), so we need to keep the illusion going that its all cuddling and peaceful moments doing wooden puzzles on the floor before the child is old enough for Scrabble and cards.

So, I got to thinking that a fun photo assignment for her (and any parent-to-be or new parent) is to pick a room or nook in your house and photograph it over time Will it or won’t it devolve into a den of plastic baby crap? Only time will tell.

My house last month with two babies and two babes and a lot of crap.


How a home stager redid the same room to clear evidence of kids

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