Super Cute! Monthly Baby Story App for annotating photos!

Easier than stickers on clothing or blankets, we love this Monthly Baby Story app for making cute photos for instagram, your walls, or a “baby book” (whatever that is!)

Super Cute! Monthly Baby Story App for annotating photos!

When I was a little girl and my stepmom was pregnant with my sister, my dad took full-length profile photos of her changing body each month. Or at least a few times during her pregnancy.

He did not take 40 photos of her so that she could place graphics over her belly and mark each week as she grew larger. But I bet they totally would have done that if the technology were available.

Now it’s easy, and I’ve been playing with the app Baby Story, which makes it even easier. For $0.99, you get the app with basic editing functions: crop your image, filter, add icons.

Whimsical doodle icons are built in to the basic app. Let’s call them stickers.

With a little practice, you can layer the icons to get more descriptive. “months” is available in several scrapbooky-looking fonts, and you can add your own numerals as separate items. There’s a text function to add any other words, like baby’s name.

Though it’s designed for baby milestones, you might even find use for your own BIG MILESTONES. Yep, that’s me and my husband at our joint 40th Bowling Party, aka Together, we’re 80!

There are menus for birthday-themed stickers, for “DUE IN {MONTH}”, and for status items like height and weight.

If you want to create your own version of the baby stats announcement I wrote about last week, you can do it.

So, although in-app purchases still don’t come easily to me, I think it would be easy to justify the ones in the app Baby Story if you had a specific creative idea in mind. Some of the menus need to be unlocked. In other words, they cost money.

The “monthly rounds” that are shaped nicely to fit on a photo of a baby laying down, are part of a in-app purchase. A list of firsts, like first swim, first bath, first tooth will cost you $1.99. Dates in a more stylish font are also $1.99. You can Get All Things for $5.99. Everything you see above was included in the $0.99 version.

Worth it? You tell me.

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