Peruse Porn For New Moms

Aside from The Rookie Mom’s Handbook (of course), this new book from Chronicle has got to be my favorite baby shower gift idea this year. Porn for New Moms is a collection of photos of hunky, shirtless guys doing the things that turn women on: holding babies, folding laundry, and preparing food. Each photo has a message from the model to the viewer. The whole concept of the book is just *so* my sense of humor, I had to share.

From the publisher:

Prepare to enter a fantasy world, a world where men insist on changing diapers, where guys get up for 3 a.m. feedings, and where they just can’t help but admire mom’s sexy all-sweatpants wardrobe. Page after page of titillating shots and dream-worthy captions will make every mother swoon. In fact, it might just leave her begging for more. . . . Oh, daddy!

What would your new-mom-porn look like? I think I’d like a picture of my husband getting out of bed at 5.59 (alarm clock would be pictured in the background). The caption would read “I’ll go sit outside the door of the children’s room to be sure I can get to them as soon as they awaken. That way, you won’t hear a thing.”

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