Favorite morning sickness remedies?

After acknowledging that “morning sickness” is a stupid name for a condition that leaves pregnant women hurling in the bathroom sink or behind gas stations during any hour of the day, let’s talk about battling it.

I kept a pack of strong peppermint gum with me All The Time and ate every two hours, usually cereal, until the first 14 weeks of this third pregnancy were over. Between the naps and constant snacking, I felt like a toddler. I still hurled a dozen times. Yes, I counted!

My best first trimester friend only failed me once

I asked the twitter community (twitterverse, I believe we like to be called) for their favorite remedies for those queasy first trimester feelings and got a gaggle of great answers. After enough people said saltines and ginger ale to make me barf, I got a few clever responses. Sorry folks. Are puke jokes funny or not really?

Sweet stuff to battle morning sickness

  • Mmartin4688: suck on Skittles!!!
  • just_ough: vanilla ice cream
  • Gazerella: smoothies got me through it!
  • NHoltwick: McDonalds regular coke. Seriously works!!
  • Teondra: I found that sweet sucking candy and fruit juice, things with sugar helped to ease nausea.
  • themobilemama: jolly ranchers helped me get through the work day
  • TuesdayGirl: all that worked for me during my last pregnancy was Swedish fish.
  • injuryboard: My favorite was sucking on Gatorade ice cubes. Preggie Pops are also good.
  • erinlong: Cold, bubbly Coke. Dr said I could safely have a few a day! And chew gum!
  • LouandBunny: Eat a few cookies before even getting out of bed! Works a treat! 😉

Missy Martin’s trusted pal

Salty and strange stuff to fight the queasy pregnancy tummy

  • Susan: Salt and vinegar potato chips totally took care of me. I ate a handful after every meal. Including breakfast. (Eeew.)

Susan Wagner’s old friend

More tips, tricks, and odd foods to keep from hurling

  • Leonora: Don’t get hungry, don’t get full. [Heather note: best tip ever]
  • CourtKlingbeil: I took everything! Dramamine 2 Zofran. Was sick from 6 wks til the end 🙁 Medicine is totally worth it if u need it to function.
  • madatmama: Seabands. That was the only thing that worked.
  • Wendy: Citrus helped me — lemonade, marmalade, lemon drops.
  • beingthefunmama: amen to the citrus. Frozen lemonade was also on my short list of ok foods &7-11 hot dogs (i’d prefer to forget those!)
  • LavenderPoet: Have something next to the bed so you can have a couple bites before getting up. Cereal or saltines.
  • jennathornton3: ginger ale, saltines, coke or anything bubbly…cold things, lemon and of course good ol phenergan
  • Debutots_Jen: Yuck, don’t remind me. How about: Try and sleep through those awful 12 weeks. Actually, acupuncture really helped with my 3rd
  • DeaCasebeer: take your prenatal vitamins at night & peppermint tea from Starbucks. That is what helped me. 😉
  • thewarriormom: I had 5 full term pregnancies. Tea w/ raw ginger root & strong peppermint gum helped a lot.
  • leeleepitts: I second peppermint gum. Also, Mac and cheese. It was all I could stomach for about 3 wks.
  • beingthefunmama: My cure: eggs w salsa. They were 1 of the few things I could manage (ended up on Zofran for nausea). Protein made huge diff.
  • mkmaines: Zofran!
  • BabyBumpBeyond: What worked best for me was never allowing my stomach to be empty- lots of healthy snacks! For me, eating plain/dull foods made morning sickness worse! (which makes it 10x harder when u are #glutenfree & pregnant)
  • mayberrymom: acupressure wristbands (Sea Bands)
  • caglove: Crystallized ginger candy, soda crackers on the bedside table and patience. Good luck!
  • PamperedChef_: Anything with peppermint or ginger, like Canada Dry ginger ale helped relieve the nausea. I drank lots of mint tea.
  • jolenemarie: Soda crackers, in bed, before rising!
  • cookiecreambaby: I took ginger supplement capsules in the morning and then ate saltines with raspberry ginger ale.
  • iamti2ger: deep breathing exercises and chocolate lol [Heather note: sadly, I’ve been avoiding chocolate because I don’t want to develop an aversion. Chocolate cake, however, is still fine]
  • MissyMuzz : I have a palatable cereal delivered to me in bed it works a treat raises blood sugars enough and gives me a little energy. also a small snack when you go for ur pre dawn 4am pee works wonders.

So, what, if anything worked for you?

ps I learned that you can actually subscribe to cereal from Amazon and other foods to deliver certain quantities monthly (get a 6-pack every month and its a deal). If you’re going through it like I was, it’s a worthwhile option.

This post was totally not sponsored, but if you click through to the amazon links, we may get a few cents. Thanks and feel better!

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