5 Steps to have an Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Christmas

We are all dreaming of a white Christmas with the ground covered in snow, but have you thought about having a green Christmas? We don’t mean one without snow, but instead, a Christmas where we all take some important steps to make more eco-friendly and sustainable choices. Although it is a noble concept, we know how impossible it might sound to take anything extra on as a parent during the holidays. Luckily, there are some really simple changes you can make to have a more sustainable Christmas!

5 Steps to an Eco-Friendly Christmas

1. Choose Sustainably Made Toys

As a parent, the first step is to order sustainably made and eco-friendly Christmas presents. You can find so many great options whether on Etsy, Amazon, or from your local retailer. From cars to stacking toys and indoor play gyms, we gathered some of our favorite options below!

The main thing that sets these toys apart is the materials that they are made of. Keep your eyes open for organic cotton or hemp, along with wood. Avoid plastics, synthetic materials, and artificial dyes when possible.

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2. Shake Up Your Usual Decorations

Deck the halls… but do it sustainably! Rather than glittery one-use decorations, choose options that you will reuse for years to come. This will save you money in the long run anyway, which is one great perk.

When it comes to the tree, consider choosing decorations made of eco-friendly materials. Long-lasting ornaments made of wood and paper are the best choices when it comes to decorating the tree.

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3. Save Energy on Your Lights

Both on the tree and around your home, you should choose LED lights. LED lights use up to 80% less energy, which is good for the planet and your wallet.

Luckily, there are tons of options on the market now and they come in nearly every type of light shape and color. Amazon has a great selection, check them out here!

4. Change Up Your Wrapping

Another simple thing to do is to choose more sustainable wrapping paper. Paper that can be recycled or reused for future presents is a great option.

In our family, we use brown eco-friendly paper and add personal touches by tying different colored strings and twine into bows. We also love to do personalized name tags. I actually love how classic and timeless this looks under our Christmas tree!

5. Invest in a Reusable Advent Calendar

As you have probably noticed reusable is a big key here! The same applies for choosing your Advent Calendar. Below are some of our favorite reusable options! They will be a really special item to pull out every Christmas and start the countdown with.

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Even taking one of these steps will make a big difference in the environmental impact your Christmas has. Plus, you will be introducing new traditions and teaching your little one the importance of making eco-friendly decisions.

How do you make Christmas a little greener? Let us know below!

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