Stumble into a family-friendly pub

Today’s challenge, your thirtieth on the list of Rookie Moms challenges, is to discover a family-friendly pub in your area and test it out.

You don’t have to compromise on ambiance every time you go out for dinner with your baby. You want a beer after work (or after spending the day alone together), and your baby wants to bang spoons on the table. No problem.

Bars that serve food also service babies. Many of them have noise levels that will enable your family to blend right in. So don’t be afraid: Go to a sports bar or an Irish pub. Pull up a high chair and get rowdy with the rest of the crowd.

In our part of the Bay Area, family-friendly brew pubs are all over, and we love it!

Excerpted from The Rookie Mom’s Handbook. Photo from Greg Neate via flickr.

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