Cosham Birth Centre options and choices for labour

The Cosham Birth Centre at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth has launched a revamped website packed with information for expectant mothers.
The new-look site gives a flavour of the facilities and services on offer at the centre, which provides a homely environment where women can give birth to their babies without the clinical feel of a hospital delivery suite.
The centre offers a range of options for women in labour, including birthing pools, aromatherapy, and gas and air, as well as the choice of a midwife-led or consultant-led birth.
There are also private en-suite rooms where women can stay after giving birth, with the option of either rooming-in with their new baby or having them cared for in the nursery.
The website also features inspiring stories from women who have given birth at the Cosham Birth Centre, as well as information on classes and support groups available locally.
There is also a directory of useful contacts, including the local NCT (National Childbirth Trust) branch and breastfeeding support groups.
The Cosham Birth Centre is a popular choice for women giving birth in Portsmouth, and the new website is sure to be a valuable resource for expectant mothers.
**What are the options at Cosham Birth Centre?**
The Cosham Birth Centre offers a range of options for women in labour, including:

* **Birthing pools**: The centre has two birthing pools, which can be used for labour, birth, and the first stage of recovery.
* **Aromatherapy**: Aromatherapy can be used to create a relaxing and calming environment for labour.
* **Gas and air**: Gas and air is a safe and effective pain relief option for labour.
* **Midwife-led birth**: This is the most common type of birth at the centre, and it is led by a midwife.
* **Consultant-led birth**: This type of birth is led by a consultant obstetrician, and it is usually recommended for women who have a higher risk of complications.
* **Private en-suite rooms**: The centre has private en-suite rooms where women can stay after giving birth. There is the option of either rooming-in with the new baby or having them cared for in the nursery.

**What are the benefits of giving birth at the Cosham Birth Centre?**
There are many benefits to giving birth at the Cosham Birth Centre, including:

* **A homely environment**: The centre provides a homely environment where women can give birth to their babies without the clinical feel of a hospital delivery suite.
* **Choice of options**: The centre offers a range of options for women in labour, including birthing pools, aromatherapy, and gas and air, as well as the choice of a midwife-led or consultant-led birth.
* **Private en-suite rooms**: The centre has private en-suite rooms where women can stay after giving birth, with the option of either rooming-in with the new baby or having them cared for in the nursery.
* **Support**: The centre has a team of experienced midwives and healthcare professionals who are on hand to provide support and advice to women and their families.

**How can I book a place at the Cosham Birth Centre?**
To book a place at the Cosham Birth Centre, you should contact the centre directly. You can do this by phone, email, or by visiting the website. You will need to provide your details and your due date, and you will be asked to attend a pre-booking appointment to discuss your options and make a birth plan.

**Contact details**

Cosham Birth Centre
Queen Alexandra Hospital

Telephone: 023 9228 6700
Email: [email protected]

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