Pregnancy Mamas: Go Ahead and Take a Nap, Science Shows It’s Good for Your Baby

**Napping during pregnancy is not only beneficial for the mother, but also for the baby, according to a new study.**.

The study, published in the journal *Sleep*, found that pregnant women who napped for at least an hour each day had babies with better cognitive development at 6 months old. The babies also had better attention and memory skills..

The study included over 2,000 pregnant women who were followed from pregnancy until their babies were 6 months old. The women were asked about their napping habits and their babies’ cognitive development was assessed at 6 months old..

The researchers found that pregnant women who napped for at least an hour each day had babies with significantly better cognitive development than women who did not nap. The babies had better scores on tests of attention, memory, and problem-solving..

The researchers believe that napping may help to improve cognitive development in babies by providing them with extra rest and relaxation. When a pregnant woman naps, her body is able to repair and restore itself, which can benefit both the mother and the baby..

The study’s findings suggest that pregnant women should be encouraged to nap for at least an hour each day. Napping can help to improve the cognitive development of their babies and provide them with extra rest and relaxation..

**Here are some tips for pregnant women who want to nap:**.

* Find a comfortable place to nap, such as your bed, couch, or recliner..

* Make sure the room is dark and quiet..

* Set a timer for 30-60 minutes..

* Don’t worry if you don’t fall asleep right away. Just relax and close your eyes..

* If you can’t fall asleep, get out of bed and do something else until you feel tired..

Napping can be a great way to relax and recharge during pregnancy. It can also help to improve the cognitive development of your baby. So, if you’re pregnant, don’t be afraid to take a nap when you need one..

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