It’s Time to Start Rubbing Dirt in Your Newborn’s Eyes—Here’s Why

**It’s Time to Start Rubbing Dirt in Your Newborn’s Eyes—Here’s Why**

It may sound like a strange and even dangerous thing to do, but there is actually a good reason why you should start rubbing dirt in your newborn’s eyes.

According to a new study published in the journal *Time**, rubbing dirt in a newborn’s eyes can help to protect them from developing certain eye infections, such as conjunctivitis and keratitis. The study found that the dirt contains beneficial bacteria that can help to fight off harmful bacteria that can cause these infections.

The study was conducted by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley. The researchers recruited 100 newborn babies and randomly assigned them to one of two groups. One group of babies had their eyes rubbed with dirt, while the other group had their eyes rubbed with a sterile saline solution.

The researchers then followed the babies for six months to see if they developed any eye infections. They found that the babies who had their eyes rubbed with dirt were significantly less likely to develop an eye infection than the babies who had their eyes rubbed with saline.

The researchers believe that the dirt contains beneficial bacteria that help to fight off harmful bacteria. These bacteria are thought to live on the skin of healthy people and animals, and they are thought to be transferred to newborns through contact with the skin.

The researchers say that their findings suggest that rubbing dirt in a newborn’s eyes may be a simple and effective way to help protect them from developing eye infections.

However, it is important to note that the study was small and more research is needed to confirm the findings.

**How to Rub Dirt in Your Newborn’s Eyes**

If you are interested in trying this method, here are the steps on how to rub dirt in your newborn’s eyes:

1. **Gather your materials.** You will need a small amount of clean dirt, a cotton ball or gauze pad, and a bowl of warm water.

2. **Prepare the dirt.** Place a small amount of clean dirt in the bowl of warm water. Stir the dirt until it forms a thin paste.

3. **Rub the dirt in your newborn’s eyes.** Use the cotton ball or gauze pad to apply the dirt paste to your newborn’s eyes. Gently rub the dirt in a circular motion for about 30 seconds.

4. **Rinse your newborn’s eyes.** Use the warm water to rinse your newborn’s eyes. Be sure to remove all of the dirt paste.

**Safety Precautions**

It is important to take some safety precautions when rubbing dirt in your newborn’s eyes:

* **Make sure the dirt is clean.** The dirt should be free of any debris or contaminants.

* **Do not use too much dirt.** A small amount of dirt is all that is needed.

* **Do not rub the dirt too vigorously.** Rubbing the dirt too vigorously can irritate your newborn’s eyes.

* **If your newborn’s eyes become red or irritated, stop rubbing the dirt and consult with a doctor.**


Rubbing dirt in your newborn’s eyes may be a simple and effective way to help protect them from developing eye infections. However, it is important to take some safety precautions when using this method.

If you have any questions or concerns, please consult with your doctor..

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