Join the Pumping Project

Look at this woman. Do you look like her when you express milk for your baby? If so, please explain yourself.

Having spent a fair amount of time both pumping and searching for images of pumping women from the major pump manufacturers, we’ve found there is a lack of unrealistic imagery out there. That photo above? I photoshopped it without anyone’s permission. I know there’s a special place in hell for that crime, but I’m willing to pay it.

Uh, where is her pump?

Once upon a time, we sat in a cafe with two other moms and started comparing notes about where we pump at work and where we have pumped. Here in California, our employers are legally obligated to provide us with a room that locks and has a plug AND is not a bathroom. I am grateful. I realize many of you are not so lucky.

We got the idea that we should collect pictures of these environments so that we can honor the organizations that do it right and mock those that do not.

photo credit: sarah gilbert

Do you have a pumping story that is tragic or funny? Share it here. And tomorrow, take a special selfie at work so we can all see your pumping space. Please photograph your pumping place and post it on instagram with hashtags #rookiemoms and #pumpingproject.


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