Mitten up, my love affair with scratch mittens

Is “Mitten up” an expression? Well, if button up is… I figured I could use it.

These baby no scratch mittens crack me up: BOOM POW

Anyway, when Holden was a few days old, Alec tried to give him is first manicure. This innocent ritual ended with snipping off the end of his little thumb and us putting mittens on him for the next three weeks.

Five good reasons for baby no scratch mittens:

  1. Babies won’t scratch their little faces unwittingly
  2. You can avoid trimming those razor-sharp talons or avoid looking at where you snipped your precious baby’s finger already (for a little while only)
  3. You could be seriously entertained by your choice of handwear
  4. Cootie-laden strangers won’t grab your babies hands
  5. Warmth

There’s so much here to unpack, but notice the mittens

Holden wore some mittens that made him look like a court jester or very silly elf. You can go that route or the uber-cool, hipster, boxing glove tattoo-hands kid gloves route. Buy some plain ones and experiment with your own style.


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