Review your nearby playground

Anyone lucky enough to live in Marin County, CA should check out this website. It has reviews of playgrounds, plus listings of rainy day activities such as library storytime and bookstores.

The rest of us will just have to count on each other.

What playground do you like to visit? Tell us about it.

If you’re a true newbie mom and haven’t hit the playground circuit yet, make a park your outing for today. It’s fun to see what older babies are up to. You’ll be there in just a few months.

I’m a fan of Totland in Berkeley. I first went there when I was about 41 weeks pregnant and thought the future looked like a lot of fun. Locals already know that it’s filled with toys that people have donated. New moms who live in small houses will soon realize the value of this. I also like Terrace Park in Albany and Cordonices Park (but we have to drive there) in the Berkeley Hills.

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