Delicious Lactation Smoothie Recipes for the New Mom

When you’re a new mom working hard to breastfeed your baby, one of the most frustrating challenges you can face is low milk production. Many moms struggle in this regard, but the good news is that there are many things you can do to increase milk production for your little one. Since staying hydrated and eating foods that encourage lactation are both high on the list, drinking lactation smoothies is a great way to accomplish both ”“ while enjoying a tasty treat at the same time! 

Benefits of Lactation Smoothies

If you’re already a fan of smoothies, you know they’re incredibly versatile, as well as easy to make. You can make them with one or two of your favorite ingredients, or pack in a dozen or more delicious and healthy foods. This makes them an ideal vehicle for fueling your body with milk-producing ingredients that occur in nature.

The key to a great lactation smoothie is the inclusion of one or more galactagogues; that is, ingredients that aid your milk supply. Fenugreek, brewer’s yeast, nuts, and oats are all known to help you increase your output of “liquid gold,” and both flax and spinach contain phytoestrogens that are said to promote lactation. The prospect of figuring out how to work all those ingredients ”“ some more common than others ”“ into your daily meal plan is a little overwhelming, especially when you’re a new mom and life is feeling a bit crazy already. So, why not spend a few minutes each day blending up a batch of lactation magic that includes some or all of these ingredients instead?

Check out these recipes below from moms who swear by their positive effects on breastmilk production. With so many varieties, you’re bound to find a lactation smoothie to suit your taste buds ”“ and help you satisfy your baby.

Very Berry Lactation Smoothie from Fresh Milk Mama

If you’re looking for a filling smoothie that can act as a meal replacement, this one is for you. Not only does it contain ingredients designed to increase your milk supply, but it will also leave you feeling full and satisfied.


  • 2/3 Cup Fresh or Frozen Berries
  • 1/2 Cup Yogurt (use Greek yogurt for extra protein)
  • 1 Tbsp Ground Flaxseed or Wheat Germ
  • 1 Cup Milk of Choice
  • 1/3 Cup Rolled Oats
  • 1 Tbsp Honey or Agave (or another sweetener of your choice)
  • 1 Tsp Brewer’s Yeast*

Directions to Make This Lactation Smoothie

  • Blend together berries, yogurt, and milk.
  • Add in oats, flaxseed/wheat germ, sweetener, and brewer’s yeast and blend again. You might need to blend a bit more than your average smoothie to get a smooth texture with the oats.
  • Pour into your favorite glass and enjoy!

*Brewer’s yeast is considered one of the most effective galactagogues, but it’s definitely an acquired taste ”“ it can make your smoothie taste a bit like beer! This recipe masks the yeast flavor fairly well, but you can always omit this ingredient if you prefer.

PB&J Lactation Smoothie from Parents Magazine

This smoothie gets its inspiration from a classic sandwich, with flaxseeds added to make it perfect for a nursing mama.


  • 1 Cup Low-Fat Milk
  • 1/2 Banana, Frozen*
  • 1 Cup Frozen Blueberries
  • 2 Teaspoons Ground Flaxseeds
  • 2 Tablespoons Creamy Peanut Butter


  • Add all of the ingredients to the blender, starting with the milk.
  • Cover and blend on high until smooth, stopping and scraping the sides as needed, about 30 seconds.
  • Indulge!

*Tip for freezing bananas: Peel when ripe, cut in half and freeze in zip-top bags for at least one hour.

Green Almond Lactation Smoothie from Bun Maternity

If you’re looking for a smoothie that’s absolutely packed with flavor ”“ and healthy ingredients ”“ this recipe has got you covered.


  • 1 Cup Fresh Spinach
  • 1 Cup Beet Leaves (the tops of beets)
  • 1/2 Cup Applesauce
  • 1/2 Cup Mixed Frozen Organic Berries
  • 1 Tbsp Flaxseed Meal
  • 1 Heaping Tbsp Natural, Salted Peanut Butter
  • 1/2 – 3/4 Cup Unsweetened or Vanilla Almond Milk


  1. Place all ingredients in your blender and hit blend! (Put the milk in first, and then the leaves, to help blend quickly and evenly.)
  2. Add some ice if you like.
  3. Enjoy!

Oatmeal Banana Lactation Smoothie from What MJ Loves

Oatmeal is one of the most common foods for boosting milk production, but it can get boring to eat a plain old bowl for breakfast each day. For something new, give this oatmeal-based smoothie recipe a try instead.


  • 1 1/4 Cup Almond Milk
  • 1 Banana
  • 1/4 Cup Oatmeal
  • 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter
  • 1 Tbsp Flax Meal
  • Dash of Nutmeg
  • 1 Tbsp Brewer’s Yeast
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp Honey (or preferred sweetener to taste)
  • Dash of Cinnamon
  • 2 Tsp Vanilla Extract (optional)


  • Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend to desired consistency.
  • Garnish with cinnamon and nutmeg.
  • Pour and drink!

Thick Chocolate Lactation Smoothie from Making of Mom

Sometimes, you just need a truly decadent smoothie! This recipe is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth, while encouraging milk production, too.


  • 1 Frozen Banana
  • 1/2 Cup Water
  • 1 Tablespoon Chia Seeds
  • 1 Tablespoon Cocoa
  • 6 Dried Dates (pitted)
  • 1 Generous Handful of Cashews

For extra lactation goodness, add oatmeal or a teaspoon of brewer’s yeast.


  1. Place all ingredients into the blender, adding water last.
  2. Blend until you reach your desired consistency.
  3. Enjoy the chocolatey goodness!

Quick Results Lactation Smoothie from Swaddles ”˜n’ Bottles

Sometimes, you need a smoothie that is less about taste and more about utility. This recipe can be altered to include any of your favorite berries to enhance the flavor, but it’s these basic ingredients that will help you level-up your milk production quickly.


  • 1 Banana, sliced
  • 1/2 Cup Oats
  • 2 Tbsp Flaxseed
  • 1-2 Tbsp Brewer’s Yeast
  • 1 1/2 Cup Soy or Almond milk
  • 1-2 Cups Ice


  1. Add the oats to the blender and grind until smooth.
  2. Add other ingredients and blend until you reach desired consistency.
  3. Drink up!

Don’t Give Up, Mama!

Breastfeeding is difficult on many levels, but don’t let low milk production discourage you from nursing your baby. Lactation smoothies are a quick, easy and cost-effective way to nourish your body with galactagogues and other healthy ingredients perfect for helping boost your milk supply.


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