Buy some new jeans ASAP

Rookie Moms Challenge buy some new jeans right NOW to fit the body you have

Put away the maternity pants and take yourself out to Old Navy to get some interim jeans to make you feel normal. Go with a girlfriend you trust. Don’t look at the size, just find something flattering and comfortable.

DO NOT THINK ABOUT OR TALK ABOUT THE WEIGHT YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE IN THE FUTURE. Buy jeans to wear this week. When the day comes, you can put these in storage for the next time around, give them to a friend who is a few months behind you, or wear them when you do that chalkboard paint project you’ve been talking about.

This is really two challenges folded into one: Implied in the new jeans is a shopping trip, and we don’t take that challenge lightly. That’s why we recommend bringing a friend with you. You’ll need to have your baby in a stroller in order to try on clothing. But, I mean, if you do try on jeans while wearing your baby in a front carrier, please do send me a video, because I would like to see that.

Advice for hitting a shopping destination with your baby.

Feed and change baby upon arrival, rather than before leaving the house, so that he or she is content while you shop.

If awake and happy, position stroller so baby can watch you try on clothes. If sleeping, stick a portable white noise gadget — your phone or this thing — in the stroller and cover with a blanket to maximize length of sleep in florescent-lighted dressing room environment.

Older babies may enjoy getting out of stroller and sitting directly in front of dressing room mirror to check themselves out. Let your big sitting-up baby play with your old pants while you try on new ones.

Related rant: Is that #3 in there?!

This is our 35th-ish (I’ve lost count!) weekly challenge for rookie moms. Not relevant to you right now? Choose a different challenge.

photo: Bethan on flickr.

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