Pick your flix

Here’s a fun little activity to squeeze in during naptime this week. This suggestion was excerpted from the book If You Give a Mom a Martini…100 Ways to Find 10 Blissful Minutes for Yourself:

Update your Netflix queue–it’s surprisingly relaxing. “Accidentally” delete any movies chosen by your husband that feature Angelina Jolie wearing leather. Intentionally add any movies with George Clooney wearing anything.

Use your discretion about moving Disney films up or down the list, depending on whether your kids are being nice to you at the time. And remember to look surprised several days later when three Nora Ephron comedies arrive in the mail.

To celebrate this activity, I am watching The Outsiders in little ten- and twenty-minute chunks all week.

[I had this poster on my wall all throughout college! Do it for Johnny!]
Read my complete review of the book, If You Give a Mom a Martini.

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