Keep it clean

We try to focus on activities more than products, but this product seems like such a good idea, it could help you avoid a daily activity: cleaning pacifiers. (That is, if your kid is a bink-aholic like mine was.) Check out this pacifier that stays closed when not in the mouth. As soon as it hits the ground, the shield closes around the nipple. Anyone have experience with it? More details>

Be Prepared: A Practical Handbook for New Dads.

Some people, I’ve learned, refer to pacifiers as “nuks” (a popular brand of paci that we’ve never used). My nephews walked in to greet Julian after a nap recently and he was sitting up in his crib with a pacifier in his mouth and two laying next to him. “You’re a nuk-man,” said the eight-year old. “It looks like Julian’s having a nuk party!”

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